Christmas And A Trip To Stonehenge
Yea, I know Christmas was so 3 weeks ago but the main reason I started this blog was for myself and I know that future me will want to remember this. So, sorry, you'll have to deal with some Christmas pictures and a trip to Stonehenge today.

On Christmas Eve we went to a local restaurant with Stephen's grandparents and ate a lovely 3 (or 4?) course meal. I ate a ridiculous amount of meat and potatoes on this trip.
Stephen's grandparents:

I have a thing for Bailey's. It's kind of a problem.
On boxing day we decided to make a day trip (about a 3 hour drive each way) from Cornwall to Stonehenge. Apparently making such a trip is unheard of in England as Stephen's grandparents couldn't believe that we'd drive so far and back in just one day. It was definitely worth it though.
Have you ever been to Stonehenge?? It was pretty amazing.