101(Ish) In 1001

I've seen these lists around and for some strange reason really wanted to put one together. I kind of think it's silly but hey, here I am. And let me tell you, coming up with a list of 101 things was flippin hard. So hard that I didn't even finish it. Heh. I've been obsessing over writing this list for a month now.

At first I had as part of my list "see the pyramids in Egypt". But when I had added everything that I could possibly think of and was still only at 60-something, I started adding things like "plan trip to Egypt". Upon seeing this, my witty husband said "why don't you just go ahead and add "return from trip to Egypt. That way you've got all your bases covered!". And ultimately, he was right. 

Side note to that: my husband thinks the whole list thing is silly. Just like I think all his video games and obsessive lembaga reading are silly. But so is the nature of our relationship: "whatever makes you happy dear". Jokes on him though because about half of the list requires various degrees of work on his part. Like #39. Who do you think is going to be climbing on the roof to hang those Christmas lights? Hint: it's not me. 

I digress. 

Back to my point, I decided it was better to have a list that was too short rather than a list half full of things I pulled out of my ass. So, I'm just going to leave a few spots open that I'll fill in at a near point in the future (hopefully). Because let's be honest, the second I hit publish on this little list, I'll instantly think of a million awesome things to add. So, I'll just be ready with a few empty spots.

So, be prepared, because you're going to be hearing a lot more about these 101(ish) things over the next couple years.

You can see a copy of my list here but I've also got it linked at the top of my blog so you can keep up with my progress. Because, I know how anxious you are to see me travel to Egypt and throw a birthday party for my dogs, admit it :)

Start Date: January 13, 2014.
End Date: October 15, 2016.

This List:
1) Complete my 101 in 1001 list by 7/13/14
2) Inspire someone else to write a list (bc it's the cool thing to do)
3) Make a 101 in 1001 picture I'm proud of

4) See the pyramids in Egypt
5) Go on the "Great American Road Trip"
6) See the Grand Canyon
7) Go on a mother-daughter vaca
8) Visit the Biltmoore
9) Take the dogs to Fall Creek Falls

10) Bake a cake from scratch
11) Bake macaroons
12) Make pasties
13) Try oysters
14) Blog 10 recipes complete with mouth water pictures worthy of Pinterest (0/10)
15) Discover new things to do with Bailey's besides drink it on the rocks
16) Make homemade salsa

17) Reach 100 followers on Bloglovin'
18) Reach 500 followers on Bloglovin'
19) Reach 1000 followers on Bloglovin'
20) Have the confidence to post a blog pic of me in my bikini
21) Be or host a guest blogger
22) Be part of a blogger giveaway
23) Collaborate with a merk I love

24) Complete a project 365
25) make or buy a "cool" camera strap
26) Take a photography/ coding class
27) Photograph a wedding
28) Photograph an engagement session

29) Reach my goal weight
30) Do a juice cleanse
31) Build a home gym

32) Send out family xmas cards
33) Throw a 4th of July Party
34) Buy and decorate my very own xmas tree
35) Carve a pumpkin
36) Host a puppy party
37) Throw a birthday party for my puppies
39) Put lights on my house for Christmas

Around the House:
40) Build a proper firepit
41) Make smores in said firepit
42) Print out some of our wedding pictures
43) Re-do our coffee table
44) Buy a fancy coffee table book
45) Sell Stephens old house
46) Begin process of selling my house
47) Repaint my bathroom
48) Put a backsplash in the the kitchen

49) Successfully grow herbs
50) Find new ways to use said herbs
51) Plant flower seeds in our front yard

Around town:
52)Visit a new sight in Nashville
53) Go to loveless cafe
54) Visit a vineyard
55) Go to a concert

School/ Career:
56) Graduate grad school with honors
57) Get a new job/ promotion
58) Get my IAAP certification

Outside Things:
59) Go camping
60) Fly a kite
61) Go clay shooting
62) Go to a zoo
63) Complete a bike race with Stephen

For Me:
64) Get new glasses
65) Celebrate my 10 year high school reunion
66) Get a blowout
67) Have a Harry Potter Marathon
68) Finish Bioshock Infinite
69) Jam in a playoff tournament
70) Own a really awesome ugly sweater
71) Own a fancy wallet

For the Future:
72) set up 401k
73) Think about having a baby
74) Pay off debt
75) Pay off most of my student loans
76) Put more money in savings

77) Take a photobooth photo
78) Make a GIANT fort in our house
79) donate blood 3 times
80) Do more charity work

WHAT'S NEXT!!? (I'm open for suggestions!):



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