Chunky Guacamole & Homemade Tortilla Chips

This is one of those recipes that I always whip out when I need to take a dish to a party but I don't feel like trying anything new. And new this recipe is not seeing as I've made it a million times. The fun thing about it is that there really is no right or wrong (and that's why I struggle with baking so much). I make it a little different each time depending on my mood.

Here's what's inside:
Handful of cilantro
3-4 avocados
1/2 of a small red onion
3 tablespoons of your favorite salsa or pico de gallo
5 cloves garlic (or more!)
Juice of 1/2 of a lime
Salt and pepper to taste
*Again, there is no right or wrong here. If you think it needs more of whatever, just throw it in!

The thickness is also up to you. I like mine really creamy but most others seem to like it more on the chunky side. I use a fork to mash up the avocados but if you're going for a chunky recipe, you can dice the avocados up into small cubes on a cutting board.
These particular avocados were on the small side so I got 4. If I'm ever making this for a big party, I'll make it with upwards of 10 avocados.
Once your avocados are to your desired consistency, mix all the other ingredients in.
I find that this is best made a few hours before serving as that gives the flavors time to really soak in. That being said, sometimes you can't help but to dig in immediately.
And while you're at it, you might as well make some homemade tortilla chips!
These are SO good and taste just like authentic mexican tortilla chips. I buy a 100 count bag of white corn tortillas at the grocery store. It's $2.99 and I get about the equivalent of 2 big bags of store bought chips. It makes a LOT. And they last quite a while so you can make chips throughout a couple weeks period.
Round corn tortillas
Cooking spray

Preheat panggangan to 400°.  Stack up 7 tortillas and cut them into quarters.

Line 2 baking sheets with the tortillas. Lightly spray the chips with the cooking spray and then sprinkle with salt. Again, the salt depends on your taste. I'm usually rather generous when I'm salting the tortilla quarters but it's up to you.
Bake for 7-8 minutes or until the tortilla chips are lightly browned around the edges.

I usually make about 3 batches (6 cookie sheets of chips total) for one big bowl of guacamole. 

This is basically the best guacamole recipe ever. I've never had it at a restaurant better! Hope you enjoy :)


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