
More than anything else this year, I have tried to live by this quote from Julia Child. Sometimes my problem, however, is that I am passionate about too many things and as much as I try, extending the hours in my day by getting less sleep doesn't seem to be working out too well for me. Luckily for me, work will be significantly slowing down soon and, as I've mentioned multiple times, I'm almost (so close!) finished with grad school. This means I'll have much more time to fill up with all of the things that I have been neglecting in my dusting and gardening. You should see the layers of dust I have in my house! Oh, and the weeds in my garden beds! On the bright side, I have kale growing again from plants that I thought were dead. So, that's fun! Where am I going with this?

Right, passion. I've grown a huge passion for this thing that is blogging. As I'm sure anyone can tell, my inclinations have started to lean solely towards the photography and food side of things and I'm just going with it. I've spent a lot of my evenings lately rushing home from work so that I can begin cooking and photographing a dish that I've been thinking about concocting all day. It's fun and exciting and I'm passionate about it. So, I'm going with it. 

On a slightly different note, I submitted some of my recipes to Foodgawker (think Pinterest but with ONLY food) and few of them were accepted to be featured on their site. I woke up yesterday morning to twice the amount of page views than I have ever received in a day. And it was only 7am! That was a nice little surprise. And I know that page views aren't everything but even I'll admit, that felt good.

Well folks, that's all I really have for you today. I'll be back on Monday with some new recipes that I'm super excited to share with you and some freshly edited pictures that are anxiously waiting on my desktop for some love.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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