Sweet Potato Black Bean Patties

There's a wonderful vegan restaurant here in Nashville that I go to often and basically get the exact same thing every time. What can I say? I know what I like. This repeat dish is a wonderful plate of scrumptious black bean and sweet potato tacos. The first time I ever ordered it I was VERY skeptical but determined to try new things (until I found THE dish and then I'd never order something new again). My mouth was pleasantly surprised and it's become one of my favorite go to meals on the go.

So, when I saw black bean and sweet potato patties on a hidangan while traveling in Asheville, NC, I knew I had to try it. Something about the combination of these two things is SO good to me. The patties were wonderful, of course, and as soon as I returned home, I got busy trying to recreate them.

If you're a skeptic, just try it! I promise you won't be disappointed (unless something is wrong with you and you don't like either black beans or sweet potatoes....wait, that describes at least one person I know...I digress).

On another note, these aren't the prettiest things to make. Nothing like my Banana Protein Pancakes, but again, I PROMISE, they're tasty!
1 large peeled and diced sweet potato
1 tablespoon cumin
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon garlic powder
dash of cinnamon (or 2, if you're me)
green onions
2 1/2 cups bread crumbs
2/3 cup grated cheddar cheese (you can use 1/4 cup if you want this to be a bit healthier)
2 cups black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 cup eggs, cracked and beaten
dash of sriracha (or 2 or 3 or 4)
1. Boil your sweet potatoes until they are soft and easily mashable. Drain and mash.
2. Add cumin, brown sugar, garlic powder, and cinnamon. Stir.
3. Fold in remaining ingredients: green onion, bread crumbs, cheese, black beans, eggs, and sriracha
4. Heat pan to medium-low heat and spray with cooking spray.
5. Roll mixture in your hands to create 2-3 ounce balls. Press balls down to create patties that are rather thin. I've found that the thinner these are, the better they cook without burning on the outside.
6. Cook patties on each side for 7 minutes.
7. Let cool and NOM!

I often make these on a Sunday night and put 2-3 of them in small tupperware containers to have for lunch throughout the week. These are great (maybe even better?) reheated so it makes a great, healthy, lunch!


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