Pure Food Porn

I've been looking at a lot of food porn lately. It's like a serious addiction. But it's also, like with anything else when your heart is set on doing something, you want to do it well and to do it well often means studying and looking at how the experts do it. So, needless to say, I've been looking at a LOT of food, recipes, and food photography lately.

I haven't done a Friday Five in a while and that's precisely what I'm going to do today.

1) Speaking of PURE food porn. This French Baker, who's website I understand zero, has one of the most delicious forms of food porn in a series of little videos that they've made. Luckily, you don't need to speak French in order to appreciate the beauty of a good French pastry. Maybe it's largely in part that this particular video has a Rose theme but this one is by far my favorite:

2) Speaking of baking (gasp!), one of my favorite food bloggers, Love & Olive Oil (a NASHVILLE food blogger) is hosting a monthly Kitchen Challenge. For April the challenge is Eclairs and although horrified, I'm gonna do it! No doubt I'll be blogging about this in April. 
3) As I'm doing more and more food photography research, I've discovered that there's an entire network of food bloggers here in the Nashville area. It kind of blows my mind that there are that many people out there blogging just about food. But, it's also awesome. I applied to become part of their network and was accepted yesterday! It's probably not really that big of a deal.....but I'm excited!
ve been looking at a lot of food porn lately Pure Food Porn
4) I'm headed to Atlanta for some DERBY this weekend. Pretty excited about this. 

5) I'm trying to be better about the whole social media thing. I hear that's important for growing a blog, but hey, what do I know. Regardless, will you do me a huge favor and go like my facebook page? Pretty please? Maybe then I'll stop pimping my blog on my personal fb page. Maybe....

And with that, I wish you a lovely weekend! I hope it's filled with lots of enak food ;)


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