Twitter Scares Me

I have a serious confession: Twitter scares the crap out of me. I now know what my grandmother must have felt like when we placed a smart phone in her hands for the first time. I just don't get how to properly do all of the things. And, my feed fills up so quickly and it stresses me out that I'm not able to keep up with everything. I feel like I'm going to miss something important!

And, I don't get retweets. I get the concept but people seem to just retweet everything. Why is this? If someone mentions me in a post, am I wrong if I dont retweet it??

I guess the main part of Twitter that I struggle with is the conversation aspects of it. On Facebook, when I post something, it's all right there. I can easily keep up with how many people like it and all of the comments on the post. But trying to have conversations on Twitter stresses me out and gets confusing.

Is this just me? Am I just a Twitter baby and I'll figure it out eventually? Does anyone have some cliff notes on Twitter that I can borrow?? I need some blogger consolation.

And, that's all she wrote. Life is very busy lately BUT I was just reminded that I have Monday off for President's Day and so will have a THREE DAY WEEKEND! You could say that I'm a little excited about that.


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