A Weekend Recap

I don't usually do weekend recaps but since I had a particularly full weekend, I thought I would do just that.

My weekend started at 11:37 am on Friday when I handed the Dean of my jadwal at school my completed comprehensive exam. Assuming I passed, I'm pretty much home free and just have to count down the days until May 10 when I will officially have a masters degree. Ahhh, and let me tell you, being done with that horrible test feels SO so good.

After the test was complete, a classmate and I headed straight towards a glass of Sangria and, since I took the WHOLE day off from work, I forced myself to spend the rest of the day relaxing and watching all of the movies from Redbox that I've been denying myself. And yes, Frozen is as good as everyone is making it out to be. It might become the first kids movie I will buy since....well, I was a kid. (I also watched American Hustle and The Wolfe of Wall Street, since I'm sure you were dying to know)

The rest of my weekend was filled with picture taking, Roller Derby, babies, and lots more pictures.

I spent the first half of Saturday photographing a friend's precious newborn. I spent literally weeks fretting about this shoot because I really wanted it to go well! Photographing newborn babies proved itself to be as challenging as I anticipated. It doesn't help that I have absolutely NO experience with babies and, to be perfectly honest, they kind of scare me. They're so little!
Anyways, Gabby is 5 pounds of a beautiful baby girl and I am grateful for the chance to have photographed her. I definitely learned a lot :) I can't wait to get all of the photos edited and posted.

Saturday night we had a pre-season home game and won nicely. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, read this: Roller Derby). We've had a very busy and exciting season already and I'm anxious to see what we accomplish as a team this year! I'm also looking forward to replacing school with more derby. I've had to miss practice and workouts quite a bit lately because of class and studying but NO MORE!

Sunday was filled with a LOT more pictures. About 1000 to be exact. I started my day out with a birthday party for this mermaid loving 2 year old who you might remember:
And I then met up with an old friend from high school who let me take some pictures of her beautiful family on a beautiful day in Centennial park. I can't wait to post some of those photos! I did successfully get a glitter blowing shot and if that's all I had captured this weekend, I would have been happy.

I ended my weekend with a delicious concoction of a grilled cheese sandwich that included both bacon and avocado. Recipe coming to a face near you.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!


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