Guac-Bac Grilled Cheese

I've been dreaming of this grilled cheese sandwich for a long time now. I decided a while back that since I'm, apparently, an adult now, it was time that I created an 'adult grilled cheese' to match my state in life. While walking through the bakery this weekend I noticed this fancy pants loaf of potato rosemary bread on sale and knew that it was the catalyst I needed to finally create my gourmet grilled cheese. 
I also knew that I wanted this sandwich to have more in it than just cheese (not that cheese is EVER not enough...I love you, cheese). So, with avocados on sale and a hankering for bacon, I decided on this Guacamole- Bacon Cheddar Grilled Cheese. I decided that the more words there are in the title, the fancier it is.

And this sandwich was nothing short of amazing. DE-freaking-LICIOUS, in fact. Ask my husband, he ate 3 (granted, they were on the small side). My only regret is buying white cheese instead of yellow/ orange as that would have made the pictures a bit more lovely. But, I digress.
This recipe is pretty basic, as you can imagine.

Sharp cheddar cheese (or other cheese of your liking. go crazy)
White bread
Cooked bacon

For guacamole:
2 avocados mashed
2 tablespoons of fresh cilantro chopped
3 cloves of chopped garlic (or 5, if you're me)
juice of half a lime
dash of salt and pepper
optional: salsa, tomatoes, onion
Mix all of your guacamole ingredients together in a medium bowl. Set aside.

Lightly butter the slices of 2 pieces of bread and prepare them by spreading one half with the guacamole. Place your desired amount of cheese on the other side and top with 2 small pieces of the bacon.
Very lightly butter the pan. Place both halves of your sandwich in the pan, butter side down and cook them separately for 4-5 minutes. Flip the guacamole side of the sandwich on top of the cheese and bacon side and continue to cook for 2-3 more minutes.

Voila! Best grilled cheese sandwich of your adult life! The pictures really just don't do it justice.

One block of cheese, a pack of bacon, and the above amount of guacamole will make you about 6 medium sized grilled cheese sandwiches.

Seriously, you need to try this sandwich! Facebook or tweet me a pic of your version of the 'adult grilled cheese sandwich'!

Linking up with Buns in my Oven


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